Sicoma Mixers - Badja Karya Technik Supplier Valves Fittings Engineering Spare Parts Surabaya Sicoma Mixers Indonesia Article

Sicoma Mixers - Badja Karya Technik


Badja Karya Technik proudly presents Sicoma brand in Indonesia. Sicoma has been building concrete mixers for over 60 years, and Badja Karya Technik at Surabaya is the official sole agent in Indonesia. Depending on the type of application, Sicoma mixers can be equipped with several accessories and customized with many add-ons in order to achieve specific productivity, mixing quality and life expectancy requested in a certain field. Please contact us for further inquiry about Sicoma mixers.

Hal yang Perlu Diperhatikan Saat Selesai Menggunakan SICOMA Concrete Mixers

Setelah pekerja menggunakan SICOMA Concrete Mixers, kita perlu mengecilkan katup...

Attentions After Completion Of Concrete Mixer

After the worker used SICOMA Concrete Mixers, we need to turn down the valve of bulk ce...

Pemeliharaan Rutin Untuk Memastikan Umur Pabrik Pencampuran Beton

Dalam menjaga keawetan produk SICOMA Mixers, perlu adanya kepada pemilik SICOMA Mixers...

Regular Maintenance To Ensure The Life Of The Concrete Mixing Plant

In maintaining the durability of SICOMA Mixers products, it is necessary to have SICOMA...

SICOMA Mixers Indonesia Products; Turbine Mixers

Alat pencampur beton turbin Sicoma berkecepatan tinggi, seperti tipe lainnya, Turbine C...

SICOMA Mixers Indonesia Products; Turbine Mixers

Sicoma high-speed turbine concrete mixer, like other types, Turbine Concrete Mixers SIC...

HP Washout Systems

High Pressure Washout System for SICOMA Mixers Twin Shaft MAO with the following chara...

HP Washout Systems

Sistem Pencucian Tekanan Tinggi untuk SICOMA Mixers Twin Shaft MAO dengan karakteristi...

Pengaplikasian Beton

Jenis Aplikasi Ukuran SICOMA Twin Shaft Mixers berkisar antara 1 hingga 8 meter k...

Concrete Applications

Types of Applications The size of SICOMA Twin Shaft Mixers ranges from 1 to 8 cubic ...

Pilihan Pengaduk Portabel

The New RCC Portable Mixer menggunakan SICOMA Mixers (twin shaft) dan dirancang untuk ...

Portable Mixer Options

The New RCC Portable Mixer uses the SICOMA Concrete Mixers (twin shaft) and it was d...

Menjaga keawetan SICOMA Mixers dengan Rutin Melakukan Perawatan Berkala

Dalam menjaga keawetan produk dari SICOMA Mixers, perlu adanya perawatan berkala yang d...

Maintain the durability of SICOMA Mixers with Routine Periodic Maintenance

In maintaining the durability of products from SICOMA Mixers, there is a need for regul...

Mengapa SICOMA Concrete Mixers Berkembang Cepat?

Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, SICOMA Concrete Mixers telah banyak digunakan di lokasi ...